1. Why use regular expressions?#
Suppose there is a string:
const result="124ssabc33501fs"
Now I only want to extract the numbers from it. How can I do that?
Of course, you might think of doing it like this:
let r1=[...result].filter((item,index)=>!Number.isNAN(item)).join("")
Although it is only one line, it is not the most elegant solution.
If we use regular expressions:
We can match all the numbers.
Ways to create regular expressions#
Literal creation#
let oo="lhw"
console.log(/w/.test(oo)) //check if there is a 'w' character
But what if 'w' is a variable?
let oo="lhw"
const h="h"
Object creation#
let oo="luhw"
let a="h"
let a2="\\w" //match underscore
let a3="\\d" //match digit
let reg=new RegExp("u","g") //match substring, globally
let reg2=new RegExp(a,"g") //accepts variables, more convenient than literals
Example: Replace the corresponding text in a div when the user inputs text.
<div class="content">lhwwoc</div>
let content=prompt("Please enter content")
let reg=new RegExp(content,"g")
const element=doucument.qureySelector(".content")
// let str=content.replace(/\w/,str=>{})
return `<span style="color:red">
Similar to logical OR (||)
const str="newnewnwec"
console.log(/@|n/.test()) //true
console.log(/@|o/.test()) //false
console.log(/wne|n/.test()) //true
Suppose I want to check if a phone number is from Beijing or Shanghai.
We can see that there is no restriction on the beginning and end.
Next, we will explain the concept of character classes.
let reg=/[123456]/
let age="18"
reg.test("1") //true
age.match(reg) //returns [1] //only matches one character
If we replace [] with ()
let reg=/(18|34|56)/
let age="18"
reg.test("1") //false
age.match(reg) //returns ["18","18",index:0]